
Pin to Start, Windows Update and other Settings, in Windows 10

Pin to Start, Windows Update and other Settings, in Windows 10

If you need to frequently access some setting in the Settings app in Windows 10, rather than opening it via the Start Menu and navigating to the desired setting, you could pin the setting to the Start Menu itself.

Pin to Start any Windows 10 Setting

Well, the way to do this is quite simple - but maybe you missed noticing this.

Open the Start Menu and click on Settings.

Navigate to your oft-used setting. Let us take the example of Windows Update settings. You will have to click on Update & Security.

Now right-click on Windows Update and you will see a Pin to Start context menu item pop up. Click on it and you will see Windows Update pinned to your Start Menu.

Now if you need to access Windows Update settings, you need to simply click on the pinned shortcut.

In a similar manner, you can pin any Settings app setting shortcut to your Windows 10 Start Menu.

You can if you wish, also create Desktop shortcuts or Context Menu items to open various these very Settings and pin them to Start. For that you will need to know the URI for Settings apps, that open the particular Settings page directly. A URI or Uniform Resource Identifier is a string of characters used to identify a name of a resource.

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