
TumbleDeck Windows Desktop blogging client for Tumblr

TumbleDeck Windows Desktop blogging client for Tumblr is a feature rich website, well-known as a micro-blogging platform. It is considered as home to the most creative people in the world. Tumblr allows its users to post anything (text, web, links, quotes, videos) to their TumbleBlog, a short-form of blog.

To make you access Tumblr and post quickly without having to open your browser, you can use this new free desktop client for Windows called TumbleDeck.

TumbleDeck is the easiest way to access and post to Tumblr from your Windows desktop. The freeware application for Windows lets you access your Tumblr blog 'Dashboard' from the desktop without having to use the browser. The name originated by mixing 'Tumblr' (Tumble) and 'Tweet Deck' making it 'TumbleDeck'

The app also supports keyboard shortcuts for launching or creating new posts. You have the option to add tags and make the post as private when composing articles with this app.

TumbleDeck is developed on the .NET Framework and programmed in Visual Basic.Net 2008. The carefully designed user interface helps the program to squeeze out performance as well as look good and have access to all its features right away.

Though it's an unofficial desktop client for Tumblr, it is very popular. It is open-source and therefore free to use. Once you download it and start using it, you will notice that a lot of effort have been put to resemble the interface much like

Download: TumbleDeck.

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