Windows Updates

What is the Fortemedia Extension Update in Windows 10?

What is the Fortemedia Extension Update in Windows 10?

Today on my Windows 10 PC I saw Windows Update offering me an update for Fortemedia Extension. Since this was the first time I had seen it, I was wondering what it was. If you too are seeing this update offered and wondering what it is, here is some information.

Fortemedia Extension in Windows Update

Fortemedia is engaged in voice processing technology, and they offer a legit software that is a part of the Realtek sound driver.

If your system uses Realtek, this driver update may be offered to you.

You can check the Speaker/Headphone Properties to see if you are using Realtek Audio.

The technical details are:

So if you are seeing this update being offered, you can go ahead and install the update.

If you have doubts, one can visit the Microsoft Update Catalog site to see its availability.

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